Hôpital vétérinaire Accès Vet Blainville 450-433-9303

Dr. Jordan Spattz


Dr. Jordan Spattz
Dr. Jordan Spattz Veterinarian

Having earned his degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Montreal, Dr. Jordan Spattz also holds a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences. His passion for animals and medicine in general naturally led him to this field, where he can combine both interests and make a real difference in his patients' lives. 

Dr. Spattz's areas of focus include dermatology and orthopedics. He takes great pride in working closely with pet owners to ensure the well-being of their companions, helping them regain health or maintain a healthy, fulfilling life. 

A fun fact about Dr. Spattz: the only significant bite he ever received at work was from his own cat! 

In his personal life, Jordan shares his days with Minnie, his adorable puppy from the Côte-Nord. Being a mix of several breeds, Minnie has the appearance of a golden retriever.